Sarah Rae

Over the past 17 years, I have been a boy mom of two great kids. When the boys were little, we would meet up with other mothers and their kids at the local track where I would lead small fitness groups.  This really inspired me to pursue my love of wellness coaching as a career, but I did take a few detours along the way…. I tried out various career paths including 6 years as a wildland firefighter.

No matter what job I was in at the time, I always gravitated back to the desire of leading people to their highest state of well-being. It became clear, nothing is more gratifying to me than watching individuals blossom into the best version of themselves, both mentally and physically.

The beginning of 2021 I jumped in with both feet and began working on several different certifications and specializations so I could start a small business allowing me to finally follow my passion of developing well-rounded programs for individuals, yielding success in helping people reach their health/wellness goals. 



  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)

  • Behavior Change Specialist (BCS)

  • Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC)

  • Certified Group Fitness Instructor (CGFI)